who writes all these good reviews? his employees probably! this guy is weird. you never see him. his cronies do all the talking, guiding. injections. iui's. They suck!!! they treat you like a 2nd rate citizen not a individual. maybe its because I paid cash??? terrible. all they do is tell you to take more meds, more meds. more meds. you have to TELL THEM what you need. they dont know timing, dont do enough ultrasounds and they dont know YOU from a hole in the wall. take fumara, take progesterone, inject this inject that, they take CHANCES when they inseminate! not enough testing and true guidance for each individual. you spend to much money to feel like youre doing it yourself, and told "good thing we did this or that" by the nurse after I MADE MY OWN DECISIONS that they realized were the right thing~pathetic. again you never see this doctor!! no bedside manner and strange! if he gets anyone pregnant its got to be an accident!!