if you like eating handfuls of pepper it's not that bad i guess. i was really teetering between rating this a 2 or a 1. the reason why i decided on a 1 was because giving it a 2 means that it's not absolutely all bad....which i'm sorry to say it is. The food is marketed as being healthy fresh eating. There is nothing healthy about it. some of the items have over 700 calories. The food sounds like it should be delicious but everything has MASSIVE amounts of pepper on it. I don't know if it's because the food is lacking flavor or something and they decided that massive amounts of pepper was a good idea, but there is WAY to much pepper on every dish i had. i could go into the details of how some of the dishes resemble baby food, but will leave it with this....if you want to eat the same type of food. buy a 99 cent frozen meal, pour a bunch of pepper on it and boom...pretty much the same thing.