On June 5 I had an appointment for a Mammogram and arrived more than 15 minutes early as instructed. After waiting 45 minutes my name was called and the girl told me they were 1 1/2 hours behind schedule. She asked me if I wanted to wait or reschedule. I chose to reschedule to the date she gave me of June 18. That morning I called an hour before my scheduled appt time to check if they were running late again. I was told it was 25 minutes behind and agreed to arrive a little later which was STILL 15 minutes earlier than my appt time. I was delighted when I was called back to the waiting area pretty promptly...THEN THE FUN BEGINS.. I WAITED FOR ATLEAST A HALF AN HOUR and even checked with someone to be sure I hadn't missed my call because I went into the restroom. She returned after a while and said, "no, that they hadn't called for me. SO I WAITED AGAIN FOR ANOTHER HALF AN HOUR OR SO. I was FINALLY called in for my Mammogram, which took....10 MINUTES at the MOST.. To say the least I was LIVID when I left and was going to write a review. I hadn't had the time... UNTIL TODAY.. WHEN I RECEIVED A NOTICE TO CONTACT MY Doctor for my results, and accidentally saw a previous note on my chart that said,"ON JUNE 5 PATIENT CANCELLED THE APPOINTMENT", WHICH IMMEDIATELY set my hair AFIRE. AS A RESULT, THIS SCATHING REVIEW IS NOW WRITTEN. I AM SERIOUSLY CONSIDERING NOT DOING MAMMOGRAMS ANYMORE UNLESS I CAN GO TO A DIFFERENT FACILITY. THERE YOU HAVE IT. MY BEST WISHES TO YOU FOR A BETTER EXPERIENCE.