I broke my lease after being treated so poorly
No matter how much I gave and tried to help it didn't matter one bit!
Eric can NOT be trusted! He bad mouths his boss Dan all the time to
Tenants! His girlfriend Val is the same!
On top of having to give up my 1100.00 security deposit I paid a extra 500.00 to re paint the walls.
But what really was bad is that I was told I could park in one of the handicap spots in front for a short time on the last night of my moving out because there was no place to park so I can get the last of my belongings before midnight.
When I went back to my car at around 11:30 pm
On the 30th of April I had a ticket on my car.
I later was told that ERIC called the police even though he knew the situation. Was a mean set up
That's the thanx I get for being a good tennant!
DONT MOVE HERE!! Unless you want to be treated like a prisoner to their immature staff!
Eric is a two faced monster! Heartless!
Greystar is a terrible management company
Not good for tenants at all! Stay far away from
Eric should of been fired a long time ago!
I tried to warn Dan the manager but I don't think he understands how bad it was!
I wasn't going to write this up but after getting a 380.00 ticket caused by Eric as a mean set up
I don't care anymore!
Enough is enough! I may take Luxe and Greystar to court for tennant abuse
I also was a victim on a police report made there
After a horrible pool incident that I witnessed!
Again they don't care!
Still very upset LUXE in Scottsdale hurt me so bad and had no business keeping my security deposit!!
Don't lease here!! Unless you like being screwed!!