| - Where do I begin? Let's start with my car being stolen out of the "secured" garage. Yes, my entire car was stolen and driven out of the "secured" garage at around 2am (about 7 months ago). Managements first words to me when I reported the incident "Was your car locked?" They showed no empathy or sympathy for my situation at all.
Now let's address they apartment management approach to "follow-through". A couple months ago, management sent out letters defining the rules for the trash valet. If the resident left their trash cans out after a certain time or put their trash out before a certain time... the resident would incur fines. The trash also had to be in the approved trash receptacle. Today, I walked out of my apartment on the north side of the building and walked to the front office. In that short walk, I seen 4 apartments that had trash bags (no receptacle) sitting outside their door. It was only 1230pm. The trash room is horrendous. Garbage everywhere, old carpet, a big brown chair stacked up against one of the garbage shoot doors, and old boxes stacked halfway up the wall. I could only get to one of the garbage shoot doors. I live right beside of the garbage shoot and for the last couple of weeks, the smell has been atrocious. I feel like I'm living at a garbage dump.
Now, let's address the fact that my shower has. It been working in over two weeks. Luckily, I have two bathrooms so all of us are sharing one shower which is not practical. I put in a requests and management tells us that the part is not in yet. WHAT?????
So then there's the outside area. Let me paint you a picture... you go outside to enjoy some fresh air and the scenery of the outdoor common areas. As you open the door to go outside, you get hit with the permeating smell of animal feces and urine. The fake grass outside is drenched with animal urine that it overpowers any hope you to be able to stop and smell the daisies. With a couple more steps... your shoe is not engulfed in animal feces. So now, you go back up to your apartment just so you can smell the wonderful aroma of the garbage dump, which is better than smelling two week old urine.
Oh the community pool.... nice, relaxing, comfy. That is until I ran into a member of the management team on July 4th and said "I thought the office was closed today?" Wow... was that the wrong question for me to ask. The member of the management team proceed to yell and scold me in front of everyone at the pool. She shook her finger at me and postured her body in such a way that I felt very threatened by her. It was like something you would have seen on Jerry Springer. I reported the incident to her supervisor but nothing has been done. It's sad that I don't fell safe in my own home.
There are not any yellow brick roads here.... the hallways are filled with garbage remnants and black soot from never being cleaned. I suppose that since the halls smell the way they do, the carpets should match the smell.
I read the other reviews and I did not read anything that was not true. I don't want to repeat all of the other complaints, so please read the other reviews. Management did blame the residents for a women getting attacked in the complex. They did not address how they planned in making the residents safe, only told the residents what we needed to do. I feel the responsibility fall on all of us, not just the residents.
My lease is up in January, and I will not be I renewing. If I could move today, I would. I cannot wait to be able to be happy to come home after a hard days work and feel safe and secure.