Bouncers act like high school bullies... We were there last night, me and my boyfriend had both of our beers taken away from us. They claimed we were "too drunk". We were then forced to leave... While drunk 18 year olds that shouldn't have even been in there were stumbling and falling around us, yet they were allowed to say. Not only were we made to leave, but my boyfriend suffered a bleeding lip, has scrapes on the side of his face and he recently had knee surgery and in being physically removed, he injured it again!! I have a bruised arm and lost my Fitbit while there because the bouncer grabbed my wrist so hard that it ripped off and is now missing. On top of all that, we were not putting up a fight but the bouncer felt the need to "call for back up". This place was ridiculous and I will NEVER go back and I suggest if you're reading this, that you don't go!!!! It's sad when they can over serve 18 year olds and a couple of 30 something year olds get physically removed!!!