Lets face it most people don't like having blood draws, and some people,I mean me get dizzy and hyperventilate on the ride over to the lab..Today was the day, I tried to get there as early as I could,before 8 to beat the crowds..Because nothing is worse than getting there and having to wait and look at 10 other people trying to be brave. I got there before 7:30, was signed in within a few minutes.I told Rebecca,the very professional and caring person that she is that I was a fainter.She reassured me that I wasn't the first fainter she'd worked with and not to worry.Enough said ,I was resting on my back and before I realized it she was done.No fainting,no dizziness.I sat up ate my orange,the one i bought with me ,all cut up with a bit of sweetener.Rebecca is wonderful and what I hear the other phlebotomist is equally professional and caring.Needless to say I smiled all the way home.thank you Labcorp