Dr.Greenberg helped my family by addressing my daughter's chronic stomach pain. We were so afraid we would have to run a bunch of tests with specialists / gastro docs and eventually end up with our 9 yr old little girl on prescription medicines... But thanks to Dr.Greenberg we avoided all that by his careful evaluation of her ailments and gaging of potential homeopathic remedies. At first we were very skeptical of his unconventional methods (and very different billing protocol), especially my husband. And we were and continue to be very protective of our daughter's well being, not sure that these homeopathic cures were safe. But the alternative was worse; who wants their baby subjected to a slew of tests only to end up dependent on drugs that treat the symptoms, not the problem? And so we put our faith in the man, not the medical industry, and it turned out better than expected. We had to adjust the potency of the original medicine he recommended, but Im so glad he started out light instead of heavy. And after we found the dosage that worked, life has been so much easier for us because our daughter FEELS BETTER. Thats what counts.
I would recommend Dr.Greenberg to anyone who seeks relief from any health issue they or a family member is suffering from. Health insurance will not cover the expense (that's because its not conducive to propagating their business) BUT you may just end up solving your physical challenges, in a natural, honest fashion aimed at the source not the symptoms of the problem.