| - These are the guys who march up and down the strip holding vulgar signs and screaming their judgments through megaphones. These guys are marching up and down the strip harassing families, pedestrians, and people doing their jobs. I can't even recount how many times I've heard them proclaim that we're all gonna burn, and nobody knows Jesus but them.
The first time I encountered them I politely explained that I'm a Christian as well. I told the gentleman that I already belong to a church, but I thanked him for spreading the word. His response was that I have no relationship with Jesus, and I'll burn in hell if I don't repent. Well, I'm sorry, but as a person who doesn't know me from Adam; I fail to see how anyone can justify this. Any other time I've come across these men, it's been more of the same. At this point I do my best to ignore them, but (much like everyone else on the strip) I can't help but cringe when they walk by shouting their obscenities.
I think this church should know that walking up and down the street condemning strangers is not the way to Christ. In fact, I'm willing to bet that you deter more people from Jesus than you ever bring to him. You guys are the reason religion is mocked and shunned by mainstream society. I'm sure your message is coming from a pure place, but the way you spread it is all wrong. I strongly urge you to familiarize yourself with Matthew 7: 1-3
Judge not, lest ye be judged.