An arrangement of 3 dozen white roses sent to me for my birthday on Monday October 9th 2017. They arrived at 7pm on Monday the next day some of the roses started dying and continued to die as the days past.
I finally had a minute to call J&A Flowers and Gifts to tell them what was going on. The owner told me that she would have someone come get the arrangement so her designers could take a look at the flowers. When her messenger arrived I gave him the flowers and the first thing out of his mouth was wow your apartment is hot when he was just in doorway. FYI I was cooking in the kitchen and the flowers where in the back of the house in the master bedroom.
The owner called me today and accused me of having an elevated temperature in my apartment and that is why the flowers died over night and the following days. This arrangement was extremely expensive and should not have died over night. Nor in the proceeding days.
Hence how do you tell someone that thought of you on your birthday went to trouble to order the flowers that they died immediately?
The owner was not able to resolve anything she refused to send another arrangement and told me to have the person that ordered them to call FTD to solve the problem.
I told her that I was going to write about it on Yelp and she said that she did not care. So here is your review. I hope this is helpful for future customers.