Not as advertised, bad service and poor food preparation.
Not as advertised:
1)No barbacoa at all or spicy chicken -- "we dont have any. they havent sent us any yet" which I find as a pretty weird response
2) Make it a Meal Deal!-- " we dont sell cookies" well, I hate to break it to you, your website clearly advertises "Make it a Meal Deal!" and that includes a medium drink and "three delicious chocolate chip cookies"
I usually dont mind if they were just simply out of something but to be dismissive and condescending is what stood out and ultimately compelled me to write this review.
Bad service:
1) I had to repeat my order 6 times to the line preps and 2 times to the bag guy and cashier. Every other place that has this style of ordering/prep usually handles communication to each other as the food is prepared.
Poor Food preparation:
2) Very sloppy, both orders were just hastily put together. the prep took giant handfuls of each ingredient and haphazardly threw it all over my flour tortillas
Bottom line: if you enjoy eating at a sub par, overpriced chipotle this is your place.