I had shoulder surgery nearly 5 months ago and I wanted to wait a while before I left my review.
I had some unfortunate circumstances - the pain pump that was placed didn't work and I had terrible pain the next day and had to have it removed. I underwent physical therapy for 4-6 weeks before my MRI was scheduled so that after surgery when I needed PT I ran out of benefits. I am waiting for the new year to begin so I can start back with PT since I still have limited range of motion.
I had heard only good things from other patients before my surgery but looking back I wonder about my decisions. It seemed the decision for surgery was given to me and they wanted to know right then if I was ready to schedule. Little information was given to me at the time and that didn't satisfy me. I like to think long and hard about decisions that concern me and when I called back to request additional information it was as if I was being aggravating.
Looking back I wonder if I would have made the same decisions. I hope I continue to progress because I don't ever want to go through that again!