Stopped in Friday morning after the gym to compare prices with amazon for protein powder I've had my eye on. The employee seemed irritated as soon as I entered the store even though nobody else was there. He showed me to what I was looking for and went back to the counter. I decided it was worth it to buy online so I opted for a protein tea instead. Being very bubbly and friendly during checkout I was met with complete ignorance. At the end of the transaction I made sure to thank him for his help and the same thing. Not a word back. Not even eye contact. Just a irritated blank stare. This person should not be working in customer service. Also while I was looking at options a woman came in with her young son and he treated them the same way. He didn't say anything to them but the look that he was giving them the whole time they were looking around said it all. This person should not be in customer service when he makes his only customers feel awkward immediately upon entry of the store until they leave. This location is less than a mile from my home but I will go out of my way to visit a different location next time.