The newscast is alright; unfortunately, this is a Sinclair affiliate so they're forced to air the daily Two Minutes of Meatheaded Trump Propaganda With Boris and Natasha ... err Borish Epshhhteyn.
Not the local team's fault but I'm not watching a government propaganda outlet.
Lol almost forgot they have that ridiculous Sinclair-mandated "Terrorism Alert Desk" too ... just curious, since they run that thing daily, how often do they report on domestic terrorism, like the school shootings that seem to happen every week anymore?
(As an aside, I love how Der Gropenfuhrer always popping off about "the very unfair media" when he's got Sinclair shilling for him like this on local news broadcasts in every market ... with a Russian no less, for the ultimate in optics ... but OK, you think the media is unfair, how about we start with re-instituting the Fairness Doctrine - )