WOW - No thanks!! I just called to see if I could get an estimate as to approximately how much it may cost me to replace the drip pan in my attic and blow out the clogged pipe. I called their office number and talked to I think it was Lauren, I do understand her position, and knew that she would not know, but asked if she could have someone call me with a ball park price. She abruptly told me no that they could not give me an estimate over the phone or have someone call me back, that I would need to have a tech come over to do it - UMMM OK - how much would that be? We have a special of $39.95... So there is no way to have someone just call me to give me a ball park over the phone without having to pay? No, do you want to talk to my manager? Sure - transferred to Nick, short and abrupt, he threw out $750.00 to replace a $75.00 drip pan and $150.00 to blow out the pipe.. I asked why is it so high for a $75.00 drip pan - he couldn't say - as I started to say, OK thanks, he hung up on me... Wow - Great customer service!! I don't think so!