The worst experience ever! The store was empty yet I waited 10 minutes for an AT&T associate; one was helping a customer, one was texting on his phone while the other was watching TV. I was certain they were customers also - I was shocked to learn they were employees. That was just the beginning, I had purchased a new IPhone7 two days earlier and the home key was sticking so I needed to exchange. They said their diagnostic didn't show a problem so they could not help me, I needed to go to Apple for any exchange. That is certainly frustrating however, I do understand store policies (even though I don't agree). Anyhow, the policy is not my complaint, the lack of professionalism is what I found SHOCKING! Initially a woman helped me (after she finished watching TV) and was very argumentative! Finally I asked to speak with her manager, she argued that he was only going to tell me the same thing. This went on for some time when she finally said she would check to see if he would be "willing" to talk with me. After less than a minute she returned to say he was at lunch and would be gone for an hour. I told her I would wait- after 5 minutes he magically appeared from the back office and was very upset that I was "bothering" him and I quickly realized that a team is just a good (or in this case bad as their leader). His lack of professionalism and argumentative demeanor far exceeded hers! In the end, he said that "everyone" is complaining about the iPhone 7 home key and that is why he hasn't bought one yet. He further confirmed there was nothing he could do (or would do) and when I said but I just bought this phone 2 days ago he shrugged his shoulders and said "oh well" as he walked away. Wow. Sooo unprofessional his name is Jav and I didn't notice her name. I left the store feeling very upset and drove to another ATT store on Tatum and Cactus and the experience was a million times better. They were so professional, helpful and understanding. Seth worked with me and while I did not exchange the phone he took time to explain the problem with the phone and said please go home and try it for 24 hours and I will be here if you need to come back for an exchange. The end result in both locations was the same but the experience was night and day. I give 0 stars to the Scottsdale and Camelback location - the worse manager (and team) I have EVER experienced - and give 10 stars to Cactus and Tatum -specifically Seth. Job well done!!