When I saw that they had an outlet store for Lululemon, I was so happy! I've heard so many wonderful things about this brand but when I saw the prices (online), it made me cry. My friends that have the clothing say it's totally worth it. So I wanted to get it out for myself.
But with this being an outlet, the prices are lower than what I saw online. When I walked in, I was greeted with a price list. So the prices on the tags were higher than what they had on this list. So I seriously felt like this was a great deal! The store is organized by size and it seemed a little chaotic with all the people. The store is small so you definitely bump into people while looking for a size.
I was able to find exactly what I was looking for, but there really wasn't too much of a variety. I could've easily spent more money at this store, but held back being this is my very first Lululemon purchase. I wanted to see if it what I had purchased, lived up the representation. It has so far. The employees were very friendly. I recommend stopping at this store if you're in the area... or not in the area!