Louie's material was: his messed up family, Vegas, Getting old, self-deprecating fat jokes.
He had a lot of audience participation. Before seeing his show I checked out his material on youtube. It was pretty funny. He didn't seem to swear much either so I would feel comfortable taking my conservative grandparents to his show.
However, his live show was very improvisational and slow in parts. I think he should limit this style because that doesn't seem to be his strength. He should have a well-crafted routine as if he is doing a Comic Relief bit. $60 is a lot to pay for some hit and miss improvisational material.
It might be helpful to have a cocktail waitress for the drinks. People (including myself) are too lazy to chase after drinks (it's a vacation after all!) and it would loosen the crowd up.
I would have had a much better (and cheaper) time going to the Comedy Stop.