| - All I gotta say is it's a love hate relationship... more love than hate! I can honestly say I'm obsessed! I completely fell in love! It was like an abusive relationship - I go in get beat up but still in LOVE and keep going back for more!
I enjoy working out but I am picky about my workouts. I don't mind paying the money if it is worth it... I do Pure Barre 7 days a week and when my BFF told me about this boxing gym that she found I was a little skeptical. She thought it would be the perfect combo with our current schedule.. PB 7 days and Boxing 3 days a week! I told her I would give it a shot!
HOLY COW! On my first day as I was driving in... I got a little nervous.. Wasn't sure if I was going to last... I was a little intimidated by the whole atmosphere... you know boxing gloves, a boxing ring, punching bags, dumb bells, medicine balls, men with muscles (real muscles) etc. I didn't know what the heck I have gotten myself into. I thought okay just one session and then I can say I tried it... After my first session I was on the floor dying! My lungs hurt, my muscles were cramping, my abs were on fire... I didn't know what hit me! I completely fell in love! It was like that abusive relationship - I go in get beat up but still in LOVE! I signed up for a month right away!
My BFF and I go 3 days a week! It's totally worth every single penny! 3 days a week for 1 month doing a semi-private for 30 minute sessions for $150 each. Honestly, Brendan kicks our ass in those 30 minute sessions that I don't think I could or would want it to be any longer! After each session I feel like I am getting stronger, my punches are getting better and my confidence is raising. I'm not intimidated by walking in there anymore... Everyone is pretty friendly and no one really cares if your punches look pathletic and your ladder climbs looks completely ridiculous... There just there to get their workouts in.
I recommend it to anyone who likes an intense, hardcore workout, where your lungs will be burning, your muscles will be fatigued and the coach will not let you stop. Ask for Brendan.. he's a no nonsense kind of guy!
I found myself driving in now excited... repeating 1 2 1 2! POW!