Being Viet and residing in North York, having this place within close driving distance is a huge bonus. Most of the pho locations in North York are mainly chinese run and have that missing Vietnamese touch to their food. Got a tad East of North York and you'll find Bong Lua.
it is located in a small plaza in the corner of Huntingwood and Birchmount. It is a small joint that holds around 30-40 customers. Their menu is pretty large but not unmanageable at all.
There are two things that makes me return to this restaurant time and time again:
1) the Nem Nuong is MASSIVE. A typical rice wrap roll is about the size of a normal spring roll however at this place their rolls are literally bigger then my hands and they give you two of them. They don't even do this in Vietnam but whatever.. it's good.
2) they server Bun Rieu - a Crap Paste Noodle Soup. There are not many locations in Toronto in general that serve this dish and to find it in Scarborough is amazing. When you do find it most will serve it with fake crab meat. This place gives you the actual crab with shell.
The staff is great and friendly and they go out of the way to remember your order. I come so often that they remember my order. They are a family owned restaurant.
The food portions are large and pricing is fair.
The restaurant is fairly clean.
There will be some points where you will need to wait for your seat but they are fast to get you a table. Sometimes too quick if you are the one finishing up and others are waiting.
They close on Tuesdays so don't make the mistake of going there on their off day only to be disappointed.
Highly recommended. Although there's better, it is definitely one of the better places uptown unless you get yourself to the west end of Toronto.