What a way to start a Sunday! An old car with a very dead battery. Called for roadside assistance from my insurance company and they sent Pop-a-Lock. A locksmith to jump a dead battery?
Couldn't have asked for better service. They gave me an estimated time of arrival. 15 minutes before the arrival time, they called to tell me they are 15 minutes away. Joseph, the technician who came, called just before arriving to confirm the location. He tested the battery and let me know that the battery in fact was very very dead. Not a surprise. He gave me two options. He could boost the battery and get the car started and I can go elsewhere to buy a battery. Or he could sell me a battery and put it in on the spot. He was honest and told me that he I could probably do better on the price if I shopped around. However, the convenience of having the battery replaced within 10 minutes of his arrival was too tempting compared to trying to shop for a bargain. 10 minutes later, the new battery was in & my car always ready to go.