| - I've had so many bad experiences with this company that I couldn't count them. I'm glad to finally realize I'm not the only one. I've had many of the same problems others have mentioned - screwed up schedules, rudeness, lateness, as well as driving so bad that by the time I got to the airport once, my neck had gotten so screwed up from being thrown around in the van that I couldn't even carry my purse.
Here's an indicator for you. Some years ago, the yahoo who founded the company found his way to my ski club, and I offered to give him a ride to a club ski weekend in Tahoe. On the way home, in a raging blizzard, I started to skid on a patch of ice, and as I was in the process of correcting the skid, this moron reached over, literally grabbed the steering wheel out of my hand and wrenched it back in the opposite direction - and caused me to plow head on into an oncoming Lincoln Town Car, resulting in thousands of dollars of damage to my car. His excuse? He thought he knew how to drive better than me because he made his living driving. For Marin Door to Door. Yeah, right.
So, he's been out of there for a while, but the service sure hasn't improved overall, although at least the last couple of times I used them a few years ago, the driving was better, but they were still late, and the Russian lady was still impossibly rude. I go out of my way to avoid them now and either drive myself or take a cab, and to heck with the extra cost.