I am a huge fan of MCM, so it's no surprise that I am now a big fan of Red Modern Furniture. The space is lovely and large. And it is filled with beautifully maintained vintage pieces. I was charmed when the sales person (owner?) walked up to me and said "May I help you find something? Each piece has a story." Indeed. In my mind I purchased a desk (circa 1930), a walnut platform bed (danish, circa 1960), 2 oversized lamps, and a coffee table that wouldn't fit anywhere in my house. As I sadly walked to the door, I noticed a take-out box stamped "Lola Tapas" next to the register. "Oh, is Lola good? I've been meaning to check it out." "Well, I'm a little biased. My brother owns Lola. He also opened a coffee shop called Lux. And he is opening a cafe next to Lola soon." That opened the door. We proceeded to discuss the various independent restaurants of the Phoenix-metro for the next several minutes. Kindred spirits, for sure.
(Side note: The store also carries art and a small selection of vintage clothing and accessories.)