The absolutely most honest , reliable and reasonable place EVER! Best place in the valley to get your brakes worked on or replaced . Will check out noises and complaints and will refer you out if the work is not in their area of expertise.
It's a bit daunting to know nothing about cars and be so trusting of servicemen , but Randy is an outstandingly honest and thorough professional . I've sent my friends, kids , and coworkers all there and all have been pleased.
- I had a very well known service/repair shop quote me around 3500 dollars for all the work that I supposedly needed and Randy did an adjustment for 20 dollars and told me that in the future I would have about a 600 dollar repair but that I didn't need it yet. That was 11 months ago, the car is still running fine and I have put a lot of mileage on it! Can't recommend highly enough!