Only in Vegas could you mark up a simple Pho to some outrageous price because it is claimed to be "exotic". If you live in LA you can go down the street for a 1/3 of the price and it is much more authentic.
On to the positive...The room is beautiful with its modern Asian feel. The dish you MUST get is the Pork Belly. After being repeatedly warned that the pork has fat on it, meaning usually you stupid white people send this shit back, our dish arrived. It was crispy and yes fatty in a great way. The sauce on the side which is some sort of Hoisin sauce was a perfect complement. The soups are also good but you could get the same thing at other places at half the price. You could even walk down the way to Noodle Asia to get one that is much more authentic.
I'll be back for the pork and next time I will say I had it before. Hopefully that will save a five minute discussion about fat with the waiter.