| - Ugh, where to begin?
First, this store is never kept neat and clean. The clothes racks and shelves always have things strewn about and the floors and dressing rooms are filthy, which is surprising considering this store is in a nice area, so you'd think they'd be vigilant about keeping it presentable, but they're not.
Second, you'll get a headache within 5 minutes; for some reason this is where parents bring their screaming, whining, bratty children (this right here is probably why the store is so filthy and in complete disarray). Note to parents: if your child starts throwing a temper tantrum in a public place, drop what you're doing and take them outside until they calm down. Why should my and other's shopping experience become an uncomfortable headache because you can't control your kids?
Third, there's always super long lines and only 1 or 2 cashiers.
There's a Marshall's in this same plaza with NONE of what I listed above. Do yourself a favor and shop there instead (unless you're one of the parents with children like the ones I listed above, in which case please stay at Ross and do NOT come to the Marshall's store and proceed to ruin that place too).