Speaking from a vendors point of view, make sure you follow directions to a T, because even if you are in a car accident she will not let you reschedule or come to another market or refund your booth, on top of making you pay a non refundable application fee? For a farmers market? Then not refund someone who was injured in a hit and run car accident the day before your market and called you previously about the situation and you ignored it. Not even a sympathy I'm sorry you were hurt and lost your car and couldn't come, or even care for that matter.
Talks down to people and mildly unorganized. Good luck. She also changes her website rules and regulations without notice and doesn't not keep a proper date meaning her rules still say 2017 when we applied she said you had to pre pay 4 spaces which we did.
Also if she invited you to do a psi seminar it's $600/900 dollars which she uses her farmers market to recruit people.
May the balance be strong with you.