Place looks fantastic! For a start up business, they really do give you a nice impression. Salon is very clean... There's no doubt about it. I've gone to several hair salons that were absolutely filthy! Salon prices are great considering how expensive henderson area is. Not to mention $10 men's haircuts?! Tapers, fades, combovers! Not bad! Oh, did I mention they just opened up their spa area too?! Yea they have a spa! Massages, facials, waxing you name it! They're going to be offering body scrubs and body wraps too?! Amazing! They had or still might have the $55 1 hr & 20 min facial special. I had it done and wow my acne cleared up within a day. You guys just have to check it out. I definitely recommend at least stopping by and look at the place. You'll see what I mean.