I brought my Mini Cooper in for a tire, I left my Mini Cooper lugnut kit on passengers seat for mechanic who would be replacing my tire. I never thought to look and make sure my kit was returned. 3 months later I get a flat, I go to get another tire and my kit is no where to be found. I called the store and asked if they had my kit. They said they remodeled and probably threw it away. I work at a bus yard, our mechanics know their tools. I know the mechanic who changed my tire at the end of the day knew he had my kit. How hard was it to look me up and tell me to pick it up. And then the service guy up front when I came to the store to see if they found it tells me maybe I lost it. Really I am not that stupid, I know I need it for my tires. 3 weeks after my flat tire the District Manager did call me to tell me they replaced my kit. I bought a new kit myself 3 weeks ago, why cause I needed new tires. My suggestion the kit was $57 I bought $700 worth of tires after I got the kit, was willing to give my business to you if you only would've said I am sorry we did not replace your kit, what can we do to help you. Not tell me maybe I lost it.