A pretty cool place with a good patio that's right next to the restaurant Ballantine in downtown Willoughby. The two of them together make for a pretty solid 1-2 punch, and are a good way to see a few of the hipper denizens of Lake County rubbing elbows with the typical bros and bimbos. The beer selection is good. The selection of drunken 20-somethings is even better. Loud and packed all nights save for Sundays. I would say that it's probably the best "bar" bar in Downtown Willoughby. Of course, at this point I would probably say anything to get you into bed.
Geez, just kidding.
I just said that to prepare you because if you're a woman you're probably gonna get hit on when you go there. Not by me, though. I'm shy. (Fo' real.) Still, it's probably the least meat-markety of the bars in the area (excluding Ballantine), but Downtown Willoughby is kind of, like, one big historic meat market so there's bound to be some lunkhead spillover.