| - I got my second Large Juicing Basket plus some additional items. Everything was perfect and in perfect condition. Minor substitution of Broccolette for Broccoli was just fine. Check out my photos packed and unpacked.
1 Large Juicing Basket (as customized) ($60.00)
1 Beets, Red 2lb (ON)
2 Celery (US)
1 Collard Greens (ON)
2 Cucumber, English (ON)
2 Kale, Green (ON)
1 Kale, Black (ON)
1 Pepper, Green (ON)
2 Spinach, bunch (ON)
5 Apple, Gala (BC)
1 Bananas, Fairtrade 1.5lb (EC/PR)
3 Pear, Bosc (WA/BC)
Additional Items ($22.86):
1 Broccoli (US) $4.45
1 Carrots, Juicer 2lb (ON) $2.45
1 Carrots, Rainbow bunched 2+lb (ON) $2.60
1 Pepper, Green (ON) $4.50
1 Bananas, Fairtrade 1.5lb (EC/PR) $3.46
2 Lemon (MEX) $2.66
2 Pear, Bosc (WA/BC) $2.74
HST $0.00
Total $82.86