I had been going to Dr. Akers for several years. I have a recurring issue with "subluxation of the vertebrae", and his adjustments always helped. This year, however, I was faced with something a little more daunting that involved pinched nerve issues.
I went to Dr. Akers for over a month - probably about six weeks - with the same complaint, and it just seemed like he was not addressing the issue. He kept doing the same generic adjustments that he always did, and the nerve issue was not improving. But I thought I'd be patient and give it time.
Finally my problem progressed to the point where I was unable to flex my toes back on the left foot, and I was having issues walking. Once again I explained the symptoms to him, and but still no new adjustment or treatment was introduced. He kept doing the same adjustment, and showed me some stretching exercises to do at home. "Come back in two day" was what I kept hearing.
I finally got fed up with the continued paying out of $$ and lack of progress, and I found another chiropractor. Thankfully my issue is being addressed and I'm almost back to 100% after less than 2 weeks.
So I can't say that Dr. Akers is a bad chiropractor, because he's not. But he definitely seems to be best for simple adjustments - not something more complex like I was experiencing.