If you have great credit and a huge down payment then get a car here. If you are a struggling American who has average credit and a trade or a small down payment. RUN!!!! These people will screw your over big time. Went to get a vehicle,signed paperwork. Thought everything was great. The take vehicle to mechanic 2 days later and have list of things wrong. Majorly wrong. So much for a certified vehicle. Then, when we're at the service department getting it fixed, the finance manager called us and stated that they could not do loan. They wAnted a cosigner. Stated that they would only finance 110 of what vehicle was worth. Really. So the car car you sold me was 2000 more than what it was worth. Way to take advantage of a female. Total crap is what it is. If they would have told us up front then all would have been good. Instead, they let us walk away with it thinking everything was set. They never even stated that something maybe wrong. Horrible. Then treated us horrible when we got upset. Trust me. If you are an average American, go anywhere else.