tl;dr Lycamobile offers competitive fees without the hidden fees, so you're better off switching.
I will be switching from Cricket to Lycamobile at my next opportunity.
Would you forgo $25/mo in the future for $5 right now? $10? $20? This is basically what Cricket did.
I attempted to pay my $25 monthly fee as usual, and then the associate there claimed I had another week to pay off my dues if I paid $15 that day. I asked if any additional fees would be added to the $25 fee I owed. "No." I then asked if my balance would be paid in full if I paid $15 that day, and then $10 within the next week. "Yes."
It turns out that I was charged an additional $5 fee. But it doesn't end there! When I confronted the manager, they conceded that there was a history of these hidden $5 fees in my account. These hidden charges summed to an embarrassingly high amount, yet the manager refused to refund anything, not even $1!
I will update my review if Cricket remedies these egregious errors to my account. I don't have any expectations given their practices so far, and neither should anyone else.