My car was making a funny noise and was due for an oil change. I'd received a flier for Fletchers and it was nearby so I decided to check them out. They gave me the oil change for free when I found out that I'd need to change a leaky power steering fluid hose and all the belts since they'd been damaged by the fluid. It was quite pricey. But I understood it needed to be done. What I really didn't like was that when I went in for the oil change I was told I'd be called when my car was ready. I wasn't. When I showed up it was finished but it still took an hour of waiting around to get my car. Then when I brought it in a few days later for the repair again I was told I would be called once the other hose was checked for damage. I wasn't. I was told I'd be called when it was ready. Again I wasn't. When I showed up at least three of the workers looked at me and ignored me before I was taken care of. It's the Holiday Season and I have limited days off. I would have liked the courtesy of being told my car was finished. I probably won't be going back.