I drive across town to come to this studio for the community. I am not flexible, I am out of shape, I do not have a pretty body - and there is love and acceptance here (love in a non-creepy way - like genuine warmth). I have never been made to feel bad for what I can't do - merely encouraged to be where I am at and continue towards growth.
Sign up for unlimited membership - seriously after 4 classes a month it has paid for itself.
The crowd takes their Oms, chakras, and spiritual energy seriously so if that sort of thing makes you uncomfortable, just keep it in mind - you're going to get a great workout and really an Om or two won't kill you.
I adore my Friday Night Expressive Yoga and Sacred Movement combo. Expressive yoga is more of a flow yoga, but trust me I am sweating when I am done. Sacred Movement is a combination of gentle yoga and then dancing which incorporates individual expression with tribal movement. You do not need to dance well to come play at Sacred Movement. You do not need to bend well to come to Expressive Yoga.
When I worked around the corner from them I went every night after work -now I drive across town to take classes because even though I can take yoga anywhere I can't find the community spirit like this elsewhere. Namaste!