| - I waited a long time to give this review because I didn't want to write it when I was still upset. If you're not in the mood to read let me summarize my review: he is always late and is at best unwilling to admit when he can't fix something and cut his losses and at worst, incompetent.
His first trip out he was an hour late. He kept saying he was 10 minutes away. That 10 minutes eventually stretched into an hour. He spent the better part of an hour fixing the iPad and then wrapped it in bubble wrap and told me not to touch it for a few days. About a week later I pop the plastic off only to discover there's dust under the glass and he cracked the corner of the glass when installing it.
I text him and he says he'll come fix it. No harm no foul. I understand even the best don't get it right all the time. I'm out of town but I schedule a time for him to come and let my inlaws know when he'll arrive. He's a no-show. No call, no nothing. I text him and he says he's sorry but that the part he had was wrong and it would be available the next day. Ok, again I understand but again you can't call? No communication here. So he comes the next day, wraps it up again and says to leave it for a few days. I jokingly said that wouldn't be a problem as I wouldn't be back to my inlaws for a few months.
When I do get to my inlaws I immediately notice more dust under the screen than before and the left 5mm of the touchscreen is dead. On top of that the grid for the touchscreen is clearly visible, even when using the device. It's clearly a cheap screen. But the worst part is that there are dead spots in the screen. So you can drag your finger across the display and when you get to a dead spot it acts as if you removed your finger from the display.
At this point I'm pissed. I message Jake threatening a chargeback and he says to send it to him and he'll fix it this time. I told him I have no faith in his ability to properly repair a device but he insists and I finally relent. He says he'll send the address tomorrow. Tomorrow comes and goes and nothin, more silence. A month goes by and I ask what's going on to which he responds that he's "sure" he sent it to me. He didn't.
Finally I end up in Phoenix again and ask him if he wants to give it one last crack. He's nothing if not consistent because about 30 minutes after we were supposed to meet I called him (of course he didn't call me) and he tells me he grabbed the wrong screen. He's got to go back to his office and get the right one. Listen folks. These are Ipad and IPhone screens. They take up no room and any business person with a shred of sense would have them with them in case they got a call for a repair while they were out. He was just running really late, again, and this was the excuse of the day.
To his credit he met me at a McDonalds with his kids. I'll give him credit for meeting me on a whim with his kids to try to get this fixed but it all went downhill from there. The kids were being kids and distracting him so it ends up taking him an hour to do the job. After he finishes it he shows it to me, almost proud to stick it to me that it's going to work but when he immediately points out the scratches on the back of the glass and calls them "unavoidable" I know this isn't going anywhere good.
And would you guess it? It doesn't work, only this time he's there to see it. He put the home button in wrong so it doesn't click and the screen is completely unusable, by far the worst he's installed. It acts as if you're touching random areas of the screen. His response is to reboot the device. I'm laughing inside and feeling bad that this guy is trying to make this right but is just utterly incompetent. He doesn't know what he's doing and/ or is so poor at time management that he forces himself to hurry and his work suffers as a result.
Of course that reboot didn't change things but I know that he didn't have another screen on him and I also knew that at this point he couldn't fix it after three tries. What am I going to do? Waste another hour sitting there while he goes for lucky number 4?
Unfortunately it only gets worse. After getting home and assessing things further I noticed that my Smart Cover no longer awoke the iPad when you opened it. That's because he forgot to put the magnets back in the IPad. The screen? Well there isn't a seem that's flush with the iPad's bezel. The adhesive is so cheap that every time I go to use it the first thing I have to do is push the screen back down to seal against the iPad. And then of course it's a total crapshoot as to whether or not it will work for more than 5 minutes.
I'm a fair guy. This has been a 6 month saga. I gave him 3 chances to do what should by all accounts be a simple job for someone that advertises being able to repair iPads. He was late every time, didn't show up once and made the device worse every time he touched it.
I'm left with an unusable ipad. I don't hold a grudge but I feel others should be warned.