Apparently the appliance tech that came out from "A Quality" belongs to the "blame the victim" school of appliance repair. He came because the dishwasher was making a loud whining sound that couldn't be good. Sounds like the motor could be going. So he cleaned out some debris, noted on the repair ticket that debris needed to be cleaned and because there was no mechanical failure it was not covered under any warranty.
Thanks. I'm sure I could have reached in and pulled out the odd strand of spinach and other detritus (I always wanted to use that word in a review!) like I normally do every week or so. Thanks for helping yourself to the veggie scrubber and using it to clean a part. You can go ahead and throw it away when you are done with it next time. Oh, wait, there won't be a next time for "A-Quality" will there?
By the way, the dishwasher still whines, only now it's louder.