I bought a new phone at this store abs was sold the wireless protection plan. In the past with Verizon, this was always, Assurion. Without telling you, Diamond Wireless insurers the phone themselves. Please see below for my experience with a replacement after I'd had my phone for approximately 1.5 years. NOT GOOD!
Voicemail stated you were open on Sunday and that was incorrect. I called all day long without an answer. Monday after being told to file my police claim and waited on hold for 1.5 hours. I called utilizing another phone and the Voicemail said you were closed, but I was still waiting on hold for 1.5 hours. I called Tuesday abd was told a phone would be sent out and it wasn't. Called all day Wednesday and your phone system was down. Thursday I was able to get a hold of your department and was told a claim was never filed. I waited for a total of 6 days after initial contact to get a replacement. Assurion, thorough Verizon directly, would have had it to me in 1 day. I am very unsatisfied and will tell others. Claims reps did not seem to care much, even the manager who defended their office's failures.