This hardware store is everything the reviews say that it is! I moved here from Pennsylvania in 1985. My in-laws lived close to Renfrow's and we stayed with them for a few weeks until we closed on our house. I used to walk to Renfrows and wander around looking at all the "neat" stuff! Even in the 80s Charlotte was a "big city" to me, because I came from a small town. Renfrew's gives me that nostalgic, small town feeling, and in those days it was a great comfort to me! The clerks are always very nice. They know their products and they seem to truly enjoy their job.
As mentioned by other posters, their gardening section alone is worth making a trip to Renfrow's even if you live way across town. And who knows? While you are there you just might find that "widget" or "gizmo" you need that no other hardware store has!
In these times when the entire world seems to be dominated by big box chain stores, it's nice to know that a business like Renfrow's still exists!