I purchased the groupon for this gym for the ultd workouts for the month for $40. I have never actually enjoyed or looked forward to working out so this was a shot in the dark. I am so happy I did!
As other reviews mention every workout is completely different and very fast paced. I never go in feeling intimidated or unsure because everyone is very open and willing to help one another out.
It doesn't smell like most gyms well, its not at all like any gym I've been to. This will be my third week coming up and I go 5 days a week. I'm looking forward to keeping it up and really seeing the results. I sweat WAY too much not to. ;) You WILL be sore because they push you to your limits. But you will walk out feeling so happy you challenged yourself and kicked some butt!
This is now something I look forward to throughout the week rather than dreading. I suggest all ladies check it out, even if for the free week. (: