| - I was looking at the graphs which showed I give more positives in my reviews than negatives. Granted, I admit I would always rather be positive than negative. Still, I like to be able to be clear with my self about my reviews and the standards I use for how many stars I give. With this Walgreens, I can give four stars and know why.
First of all, my review does not include in anyway the pharmacy, just the rest of the store. Yes, there is one employee who is devoid of any personality. The rest of the employees I have encountered have been a fairly nice group of people who help me find what I am looking for. Things are fairly organized so stuff isn't to hard to find. No, not a corner of Heaven but a nice place to go in.
I especially want to compliment the Assistant Manager whose name I can't recall. I wanted to buy quite few of a Walgreens generic product to save money. When I asked when there'd be more, this gentleman took the time to ask me how much I needed and why. He offered to double the next order so There'd be the quantity I wanted the next Tuesday, a rather nice touch for a customer he didn't know. Not that I am a doubting Thomas, but when I went in the following Tuesday, I didn't know what to expect. He followed through!
Another plus is this store is easy to get in and out of. For any one who shops on Bell Road, you know this is a real plus.