| - Went in today to have the car battery replaced, which was supposed to be under warranty. But according to the person who checked out the battery 'It's not good, but it's not bad.' Um, what? Apparently all they could do, instead of replacing a FAILING CAR BATTERY, was offer to charge it so it could just fail on some later day and THEN they could replace the stupid thing. Ok, what part of that makes sense? You acknowledge it's failing, and is going to fail, but you can't do anything other than prolong it? Why not just replace it now? So instead of getting it replaced under the warranty it was decided that the car would be taken to the dealership, WHICH WE SPENT ALMOST THREE HOURS AT, and have them replace it. And oh, by the way, as soon as the dealership tested the battery, guess what? THEY CONCLUDED IT NEEDED TO BE REPLACED IMMEDIATELY! Hmmm, how strange that the place that predominately sells and replaces batteries couldn't see that. And I'd like to add, to the person who tested the battery, your complaining about how slammed the store was and how many people needed batteries did not help the situation at all.