Dr. Agarwal is by far the BEST pediatrician in the world! None of his locations are close to where we live, but yet we still make the drive to his west valley location. When our daughter was born, she had a tongue tie, and Dr. Agarwal was highly recommended by 2 different lactation consultants (who do not know each other, by the way). Our daughter already had a pediatrician so we only went to see him for the procedure. By the time we had a follow-up, we had already worked with Dr. Agarwal 3x. At this point, we had already seen 3 pediatricians at our daughter's original peds office (which was conveniently only 2 miles away from our house). Seeing Dr. A allowed my husband and I the opportunity to compare him to our daughter's office. There was nothing wrong with our daughter's pediatrician by our house. However, working with Dr. A and seeing how knowledgeable and wonderful he is with our daughter made it impossible to go back to the peds office by our house. He is so gentle and loving, and we know he truly cares for our daughter. Anybody can see the passion he has for his craft and he makes a point to get to know each family and make a connection to them. We love Dr. Agarwal and we are so blessed that our daughter is under his care.