| - Before seeing O, I was fortunate enough to see Believe as well. Two Cirque shows in the same night was quite a treat. I had high expectations for this show and low expectations for Believe; such expectations can come back to haunt you, both good and bad.
For O, I was, in the end, dissapointed. I loved the show overall, the acrobatics, the enormous stage and the comedy performed on stage (or in water). It was a great show.
There were very impressive scenes and costumes, but the lack of any sort of plot bothered me (and reduced the star). I guess the plot could be that of reading a children's storybook. There is one reference to the cow jumping over the moon that comes out of no where. And that's just it: stuff comes out of nowhere and while visually stunning and entertaining, never ties into the next scene. Criss Angel's Believe, while inferior but not really comparable to O, did have an overall plot that was difficult but followable.
But who am I to judge. This show has been here for a long time and sells out every night, right? I was lucky enough, again, to sit only 15 rows up and dead center. Would I pay to see this again (about $160 a pop)? No. If I paid anything cheaper I'd be in the balcony and not get the same experience. However good a show is, if I can enjoy it just as much in the back as I could in the front, that is my idea of a 5 star show.