| - I've been here since 9/21/14. My first two months have been extremely quiet, people friendly, grounds well kept and bug free. My place is partially upgraded nicely and is fair for the price. I love the location-Zipps Sports Grill, Grass Roots, Butters, Coffee joints, Chipotle, Jimmy Johns, an Indian Restaurant and TCBY. The Green Belt bike path will take you to Temp Town Lake. You rarely are on any roads with cars, so it's safe. 4.5 miles to old town which you can bike the canal. If you are having fun in Old Town, it's an $11 Uber ride. I'm sure there are noisier places in the community, but my place is great so far. Thankfully not many smokers around me either. The last two places which I reviewed were hell on earth in comparison. Oh yeah, the few minor issues I've had were handled immediately.