| - The only way to review this Lowe's is to compare with all the other Lowe's I've wandered into over the past century. (I won't even comment on the guy who really believes that Nascar is somehow a "sport" and that a car's corporate sponsor has anything to do with reality. That car that says it is a Ford? Buddy, there ain't ONE part in that "car" made by Ford, or by anyone named Ford, or, for that matter, anyone who has ever driven a Ford. The engine block is from England, and the rest is from Germany, and Italy, and Japan. Same goes for Chevy, and Tucker, and Hispano-Suiza, and Hupmobile. Sheesh. Get out of the house. Read a book. Wake UP!)
Where was I? Oh, yeah. THIS particular Lowe's isn't so great. Here's why. I've been here a few dozen times. I'm a contractor. I have needs. Having said that, though, I really just walk right up to what I need and pile it into the cart. I don't ask questions, I don't make a fuss, and I don't spend a lot of time looking around.
Here's what happened this afternoon: (And it is representative of a typical visit at THIS Lowe's) The two main things I needed were NOT stocked. I had to climb up on a rack for one item, then wait around for two jugheads to fetch a forklift and lower the second item down. Now, these aren't unusual items; they had been neglected in re-stocking. My fifteen minute stop turns into a forty-five minute burning of the mid-day oil. I'm not happy. (For the record, the ratio of staff to customers while I was there was roughly three to one.)
Then, to the checkout. I have about two hundred items. Many are duplicates. I take pains to keep the similar items together, but does the check out woman bother? Nope. She scans. Every. Single. ITEM. Including lengths of pipe. Do you not notice a pattern here, lady? Do you see how I stacked all the same types of pipe together? (It didn't sweeten the deal to hear the lady complain to her co-worker that she was "burned out" and needed a break. Hey. So do I. Can this conversation wait until I'm out of the store?)
Really. This is a warehouse. That's how they cut their costs and keep their profits up. So: if it isn't well-stocked, I lose. If it isn't easy to get in and out, I lose. I debated this afternoon between calling my wholesale house and visiting Lowe's. I clearly made the wrong decision.