I don't know where to start with how incredible Dr Tchoryk is. It's difficult to find such passionate professionals in the alternative healthcare industry! He's like seeing a chiropractor, kinesiologist and physiotherapist all at once!
Jerry's whole purpose isn't to put you on a twice a week for life regime...it's the opposite.
He figures out where your imbalances are, isolates and offers specific treatment and then shows you how to counterbalance with specific exercises that you do IN THE OFFICE before leaving.
His approach couldn't be more complete and puts to shame others in his field who offer only a fraction of care.
**If you are a lazy sort looking for somebody to fix you with NO INTEREST IN HELPING YOURSELF - go somewhere else!
If you want to get better and learn how to not get yourself into such pain again....he's phenomenal!!
I had 2 years of back pain that prevented me from putting my socks on....3 Chiros didn't help....Jerry is a biomechanical wizard -he had me back to 100% inside of 6mos. That was 16yrs ago....it's not come back because I took his advice and I do what he showed me to do
The review left by Elle is so incredibly slanderous and inaccurate that I can only assume it was written by competition or somebody simply not interested in helping themselves.