I saved up quarters for six months on the off-chance I ever made it out to this place. Yes, I could have went to a change machine, but that would have been far too easy and sensible. Boy, oh boy was it worth it!!! If you were born anytime between 1965-85, you are going to have at least one fantastic flashback moment... The Elton John "mr. Fantastic" was mine.
Come prepared to burn 2 hours and $10 in quarters (what a deal!). Ladies, leave your purses home... You'll regret taking it in.
Surprisingly high-tech AND lo-tech in terms of the "museum" aspect. There is ZERO decor. Handwritten notes on the history and restoration are tucked into the glass of some machines...fascinating reads-don't skip over them! But on other machines, barcode images you can scan w/your iPhone/droid/etc and learn online about the history of the machine, enter your scores or leave a review. Wow.
A perfect option in central Vegas if you need to kill some time before/between something else or just want to stun your crew with your flipper-flippin awesomeness....