It is a shame ... no, it is a crime, that this place has been allowed to slip so far into the abyss. If you look at the architectural bones of the place it is seriously cool. Yes, it was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, which is why we chose to stay here in the first place.
A simple coat of paint and a few nails and screws in the right places would go a long way to restore this place to a much higher level. Throw in a few new mattresses and box springs and you'd have an oasis located in downtown Mt. Horeb.
It made me think about how back in the old Roman era, there must have been a time when someone commented that the old Coliseum was starting to look tacky and run down. Today it is a beloved beautiful ruin. Somehow, I don't think Karakahl Country Inn will ultimately achieve beloved beautiful ruin status, so I think someone, somewhere better spruce the place up or we will lose a FLW treasure.